Early to Mid-Career Professionals

Let’s start your career journey here at CareerBuddy!

Are You

Facing Job Uncertainty?

{{Urgently looking for new opportunities}}
Do you see such status messages on LinkedIn ? We do. What happened to the old opportunities?
Why urgently? Don’t laugh at these questions, they are real because of volatile and uncertain business environment due to COVID 19 coupled with automation, lay-offs are becoming common.
Well, neither we nor anyone can help you urgently to find a new opportunity, we will surely do our best to assist and prepare you well in advance to avoid such situations now or in future.

Struggling to Land onto Your Dream Job ?

If you are like most job seekers, who have been applying to many jobs on various Job Portals or sending your resume to ex- boss, Colleagues, friends, but not hearing anything back?

Are You are frustrated, confused and wondering where am I going wrong?

If so, you’re not alone. There are thousands like you.

There is more to a successful job search than having an excellent CV, you also need to get your CV to the right people with the right message.

We can help you define a modern Job strategy for an effective job search that gets you hired
faster and for the right roles in less than 90 days.

Not Happy at Your Workplace ?

Are you going through any of the following challenges in your career right now?
• Struggling with CAREER DIRECTION
• Fearing JOB LOSS
• Hate going to OFFICE everyday
• Life miserable because of BOSS
• No Appreciation for your HARD WORK
• Not offered RIGHT ROLE
• Or any kind of workplace challenges

We can help with customised career solutions to address your career challenges and concerns to create breakthroughs in your career.

Thinking of Career Growth ?

Whether it’s exploring your next job options, developing a career plan for 3-5 Years, preparing for a promotion, a change within your industry, or a total career change, we can help you clarify exactly what you want and help you find new approaches, new thought processes to create breakthroughs in your career.

Thinking of Following Passion ?

You want to follow your heart, pursue your passion but not sure how to go about it or if you are anxious about how it will work out, then who better to talk to than the one who has been there and done that successfully.
We can help you clarify exactly what you want and help you make the change possible.

Career Assessment

If you are a young Professional but confused about the right career path, right career role aligned to your Strengths and
interests, want to find out if there is a better career out there that can give you more happiness and success, then we can help you figure that out quickly & accurately.

Find The Answers To All Of Them And Many More... at CareerBuddy!

How We Help You ?

Register & Pay online

Book an appointment

Fill the self-intro form

Complete online career assessment

Virtual or Face to Face counselling

Get your customised and actionable career solutions

Have a follow up call

Life long support

Choose a Package that's right for you

Transparent, Affordable, Much more Value for Money!